Take me to the Moon…Trump, Branson, Wifey, and Me!

  1. Melaina Trump, the current wife of “I am Very Rich!” Donald Trump, wraps her arms around him and says: Take me to the moon…

“Anything, my dear! You see, I am rrrriiiicchh. verrrrryyy rrrriiicchhhh!” he says. “”I will build a great spaceship — and nobody will ever build a better spaceship, believe me —and I’ll build it very inexpensively. I will build a great, great spaceship using cheap Mexican immigrant labour, and I will make Mexico pay for that spaceship. Mark my words.”

2. The naked model clinging to his back while the “Screw it, let’s do it!”-Richard Branson went kitesurfing,  climbs up on his shoulders and shouts in his ear, “Take me to the moon…”

“Of course,” he replies. “It’s just a matter of time. Meanwhile, join Virgin Galactic‘s first trip. It’s $250K per seat and still it’s dirt-cheap! We do everything with class. Space-hostesses dressed in Santa-suits, body-massages on the cruise, and don’t forget our offer of 12 delicious handcrafted wines!”

3. While I was writing this, a steaming cup of coffee appears on my desk, and wifey coos into my ear, Take me to the moon…

“Right after my current project is done.” I said. “Why don’t you research the hotels in the area and make the bookings?”
(The cup, the voice, and wifey all vanish!)

4. Later in the day, I go out, hail an auto-rickshaw (an Indian minimalist cab with three-wheels,) look into the auto-driver’s eyes, and say to him, Take me to the moon…

“500 Rupees lagenge,” (“It will cost you $10,”) he says. “Raasta bata dena aap!” (“You tell me the route!”)

(Based on the Daily Prompt “Take me to the moon…”)

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About Anand

Parodist, Humorist, Caricaturist, Nerd.
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24 Responses to Take me to the Moon…Trump, Branson, Wifey, and Me!

  1. rosemawrites says:

    You never fail to make me laugh despite my current mood. Nice!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I needed a good laugh! You have saved the night!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This tickled my funny bone! I shall send wifey a mail with a few tips. Meanwhile, Trump aaargh, I have no words for him 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Haha….your wifey was the best! If she was a man, I would probably fall in love with her! 😛


  5. Uday says:

    Rasta bata dena aap!! LOL.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. malousu says:

    I am recommending you for the Blogger Recognition Award created by the book blog, Edge of Night. I am so excited

    http://mlsassistance.wordpress.com Wrapping Fantasy by Malousu



  7. Anand, you are seriously cool! Love this post. Love your caricatures too. kathie

    Liked by 1 person

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